Thursday, June 16, 2011

"It's like starting freshman year... except I like everybody."

Greetings one and everyone!

I write to you from sunny/rainy/cloudy/cold/hot Milwaukee!  It's the week of induction and I haven't seen weather change this rapidly this drastically save for in video games.  The first couple days here have been busy and inspiring as I've come to learn more about what we'll be doing over the next two years and all of the amazing people that I'll be doing it with.

Milwaukee is a beautiful city, but with some very real and serious problems.  We are a city with a rich history, yet still remain significantly segregated.  The disparity in academic achievement between students of color and their more privileged counterparts is among the highest of any city in the nation.  And so with this backdrop, we have begun to search for job placements that will provide us with the ability to make a positive change.

Today I interviewed with two schools, and recently found out I have a second interview with HOPE Christian High School.  We'll see where that goes... if it doesn't develop into a job, I'll likely work for Milwaukee Public Schools.

But on a less serious note, this corps is absolutely amazing.  There are approximately 50 new corps members being inducted with me, and I am yet to meet a single one that I don't absolutely love.  These people are unique, dedicated, and fun, and I am so honored to count myself among them.

Institute (a.k.a. a swift slap across the face) starts this weekend.  I'll keep all you interested people posted on new developments and whatnot.

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